Checking Accounts

Find the Perfect Fit!

Looking for a checking account that feels like it was made just for you?  First Ohio has a wide range of checking accounts from our ISave Teen Checking to our Plus Checking and more options in between.  We will match you with the account that’s a perfect fit for you!  All accounts come equipped with a MasterMoney™ Debit Card, FREE Online Banking Access, E-statements, and the option of Personal Checks!

Plus Checking
Dividend Earning – Plus Checking Rates
Minimum Balance Requirement of $1500

Modern Checking
Dividend Earning – Modern Checking Rates
Minimum Balance Requirement of $250

Simply Checking
No Minimum Balance
Non Dividend Earning

ISave Teen Checking
Dividend Earning – ISave Teen Checking Rates
No minimum balances
For ages 13-17
Joint owner of majority age is required